Stolen Songbird

To say that Stolen Songbird was good would be an understatement. I was so unexpectedly thrilled to not only be reading a book about trolls, but to be enjoying it so much. I was not sure about the premise but it hooked me immediately and I could not put it down. I love that Cecile is not some woe-is-me heroine and that she is quite strong, brave, and decisive. You can not help but fall in love, along with her, with her troll prince, Tristan. I like that we got to see the story from their overlapping points of view. It took away the need for too much explanation and just let you get on with the story.
I also have to mention the world building because I have not wanted to actually be in and see a fantasy world this badly since the Hogwarts/Hogsmeade/Diagon Alley of HP. Trollus sounds amazing and especially the glass gardens. Also the way that bonding and the human vs troll magic work is really interesting. I literally can not wait for the next book in the Malediction Trilogy because the end is killing me! Just a brilliant first book in a series with a ton of promise.